Home News Revisiting Assassin's Creed Origins

Revisiting Assassin's Creed Origins

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Image Credits: Flickr

Assassin’s Creed Origins should be considered one of the most fast-paced and enticing games of the entire Assassin’s Creed franchise. Set in the midst of Ancient Egypt, you take on the character of Bayek of Siwa and challenge your way through the range of different obstacles the game poses.  

The game truly immerses players into the customs of Ancient Egypt and there are endless opportunities to explore. The brutality of Ancient Egypt is captured excellently in the game, never giving you a dull moment. 

Bayek of Siwa

It always helps to play these sorts of games when the protagonist is a charismatic character that you genuinely want to do your best for. Fortunately, Bayek of Siwa is a well-rounded assassin with deep emotional intelligence and a taste for blood at the right moments.

Throughout the game, you will learn that Bayek is ultimately driven by vengeance when faced with the corrupt leaders and powerful pharaohs in the game. At times questions of morality are asked and it creates quite the emotional rollercoaster due to the amount of bloodshed and the questions of its necessity.

Image Credits: Flickr

Overview of Backdrop and Location

This is arguably the game’s strongest feature because of the versatility of the landscapes you play on. Ancient Egypt’s rich history means you are surrounded by historical architecture scattered all over the deserts. Following the traditions of the franchise, there are numerous spots to climb up for the best view of the city you are in.

Talking of cities, there are a number of contrasting cities with their own laws, ideologies, social customs, and identity politics. The game is played across impoverished lands, meaning there is an abundance of corruption for you to take care of with Bayek.

You will be tasked with journeying through raging sandstorms, rocky mountains, and the slums of the common people. The game will certainly urge you to explore all these things and more.

Ancient Egypt is a mystical place that has so much curiosity around it. It comes as no surprise that this theme flourishes in other games like Eye of Horus in the slot niche.

As you can imagine the game is vast, so transportation from city to city may not be the quickest. However, you can use the smart in the transit system to get around from place to place to speed things up a notch.

Unique And More Challenging Gameplay

Assassin’s Creed has been criticized in past games for its challenging climbing and parkour features. Assassin’s Creed Origins successor Valhalla is no different: bizarrely, climbing up walls and jumping from building to building in Origins feels smoother than any Assassin’s Creed game to date.

An exciting feature the game offers is the ability to tailor your character’s strengths to how you would like them to be. For example, certain missions allow you to upgrade your stealth, strength, looting ability, and overall fighting standards for the right moments. This optional element the game offers really allows you to focus on your goals within the game and takes away that one-dimensional approach to upgrading characters in previous games in the franchise.

A key takeaway from playing Assassin’s Creed Origins is that the fight scenes are much less passive and a lot more skill is required to get through them. Blocking and striking at crucial moments has never been more important so you have to make sure your timing is up to scratch.

Be aware of the Phylakes who are always on the lookout for you, especially early on in the game as they are significantly stronger than you when you start out. They can become frustrating at times due to their sheer strength, but it adds to the challenge of the game. There are a variety of enemies who will come in your direction at any given time, including wild animals.


Overall, Assassin’s Creed Origins delivers well in all departments, giving it the title of being one of the best-produced games of the franchise. Noticeable improvements to fighting, climbing and parkour deserve credit, and combining this with the backdrop of Ancient Egypt makes it a high-quality game.

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